Let’s Discuss; Does Re-Reading Books Destroy The Magic?

Hey everyone, today I bring you my first discussion post! Let’s just get right into it! First let’s analyze the pros and cons of re-reading…

Some feel as though they are re-experiencing the magic. Many people love their favorite books so much, that they just want to read it again and again! This is a great way to re-experience all of your favorite scenes!

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You pick up on things you wouldn’t have picked up if you only read the book once. If I’m reading a book I love, I tend to binge-read it. This can result in skimming the pages. Therefore, when a novel is re-read, it’s almost as if you’re rediscovering the story in a new light!

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The magic and excitement is lost. Have you ever been watching a show and your friend spoils the ending for you? It’s definitely not the most exhilarating feeling. That’s kind of what it’s like for some people when they’re re-reading novels

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You find controversial things within the book. Maybe there was a comment made in a book that wasn’t inherently nice, but hadn’t noticed it until after reading it again for the second time. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however it might affect the overall enjoyment level of the story.

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Your taste has changed. As we grow older, our interests can shift. Of course this isn’t always the case, but it can happen, even if we don’t notice it. I couple months ago, I re-read Red Wolf by Jennifer Dance. It’s a lovely historical novel. However, I preferred that specific genre more when I was younger, so unfortunately I didn’t enjoy it as much as before.

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Overall, the cons seem to outweigh the pros. Re-reading books can be fun and comforting. However, it can shed light on an otherwise boring or unappealing story, and that’s totally okay. Personally I’ve never been one to re-read often, as it doesn’t quite work out for me. I completely respect all of those who love re-reading books though!

So, do you enjoy re-reading? Let me know down below!

Also, I am so sorry for the inactivity over the past week. My schedule has gotten extremely busy. I barely have time to blog, let alone read. I promise I’ll try my best to look at all of your amazing posts, and will hopefully post more often in the future. (Stay tuned for my February Wrap Up coming sometime this week!) And with that, I bid you adieu. Have a wonderful day!

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  1. I love rereading books, but I have sometimes reread a book so many times I just seem to wear out the book and squeeze the last bits of magic out of it, to the point where I just am not interested in it anymore. It might just be because I go on a marathon of rereading the same book over and over for so long, I think my record being rereading the same series for about 7 months straight a few years ago 😅 Then again, rereading a book a few years later can be so fun, you just rediscover the world again, and it’s the best feeling ever. Idk, I think rereading is great, but not over doing it (like reading a book for 7 months over and over 😂) Great post Saniya, and its nice to have you back 💙
    Omg that was so long 😬😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooo that’s interesting! haha I totally understand, sometimes you just have to binge read! 😆 Thank you Cherry, it was nice to hear your thoughts! 💖💖

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  2. Ah this is an awesome first discussion post, Saniya! I definitely agree with you – I’ve caught so many new details during rereads that I just skimmed over in my first read, or details that I didn’t KNOW were significant that take on whole new meanings because I know the rest of the story, and I end up falling in love with the characters even more. Which I think can be just as magical reading something for the first time. But sometimes I also like, don’t want to ruin the experience of my First Read? And I end up nitpitcking certain things and stuff that weren’t a problem to me before seems REALLY apparent after multiple reads 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Kathy, that means a lot! ❤ Yes, I totally agree! That's why it's cool to re-run thru a book if you only skimmed it the first time. I think it's actually cooler than re-reading a book you didn't skim through, even if it was more interesting. I don't re-read often, but whenever I'm writing a review, I pay more attention to the book and find stuff that wouldn't have bothered me if
      I hadn't paid attention to certain aspects of the story. 😂


  3. Trisha Tomy (Books, Reviews, and Procrastination) says:

    I personally love rereading my favourites, but it is true that sometime you end up not liking the book as much as you did the first time, or if it’s been quite a while, you start noticing some problematic stuff…still, I do love to reread because I love getting lost in a world I’ve come to love, again and again…especially if it’s one I didn’t get enough of reading the first time! Awesome post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I can 100% see where you’re coming from. Escaping into a book you love is honestly a whole new level of comfort. Thank you so much Trisha! I enjoyed reading your thoughts! ❤

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  4. Jenna W. says:

    Wonderful post, Saniya!!
    I used to re-read each book I owned multiple times when I was younger, but I usually used to get so bored reading the same stuff that it had a bad impact on my opinions of the book 😦
    So I don’t re-read books that often anymore.
    I completely agree with you when you say that our taste changes. Matilda was one of my most favorite books when I was younger, but when I re-read it last year, I found that I enjoyed it so much lesser than I had when I was younger. 😦

    I loved your post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I totally get where you are coming from. And yes sometimes tastes change. It’s unfortunate, but it also allows people to expand their horizons! Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts Jenna! ❤

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  5. althea says:

    Yess as someone who doesn’t re-read books often I feel the same! I’m always so worried that I’m not going to love one of my favourite books as much as the first time I read it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you feel the same way! 100% agree. Thank you for reading Althea! ❤

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  6. Jan @ thedoodlecrafter says:

    I haven’t thought about this before but I…reread almost every book I read?? I kind of enjoy spotting things and clues I didn’t notice on the first time. You get to know the characters better, and the story better – for me, at least, it doesn’t lose the magic at all! However, it is true that you see problematic content while you’re rereading. Great discussion post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, that’s very interesting Jan! I’ve never really thought of that. That’s such a cool way to look at things! Thank you for sharing Jan! ❤

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  7. Lovely discussion post! I totally agree, there will be times when I reread and discover some not so good things that I didn’t notice the first time. Even with that happening sometimes, I’m still an avid rereader eeek. Most of the time when I reread it’s because I’m in a really specific mood to read something that I know that book has, I’m feeling a comfort read, or I’ve spent too much time reading fan fiction and looking at fanart and memes on Pinterest and I need to go back and bask in the glory of the original post. Anyway, I love this post, you bring up some great points!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally agree! The fandom of books makes me want to reread as well! I can see why rereading would allow you to get out of a slump too. Thank you for sharing April, I enjoyed reading your thoughts!


  8. storiesandsidequests says:

    There are certain books that I love re-reading but I also have a couple of all time favorites that I’ve never re-read because I’m afraid I’ll be disappointed the second time around.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I completely agree! Thank you for sharing! 😀


  9. OEH OKAY it was so interesting to read your perspective on things! I personally ADORE rereading and it brings me so much comfort. I indeed love picking up on things I didn’t pick up on before and it doesn’t really bother me knowing what’ll happen! It makes foreshadowing so powerful sometimes and makes me love the author even more! I love reexperiencing things I guess! But I do know what you mean by the disappointment of when your reading tastes have changed. I’m not a fan of that either lol, but I do think it also shows a lot of character growth if you’re not satisfied anymore with the books you used to read. Nevertheless, very annoying yes. And seeing something problematic is also a good thing for me, because that way I know that I don’t need to hype the book up anymore since it can be harmful!
    Sorry for this essay comment, lol, but I loved reading your post!! Looking forward to more discussion posts!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s such an interesting perspective! I totally agree that if you find something problematic, you now know that you shouldn’t support a book anymore. Don’t apologize, I loved reading your thoughts! Thank you so much for sharing! ❤ ❤

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  10. itsKoo says:

    How did I miss this discussion?? I love rereading books! It’s actually one of the ways I know I really like a book because I’ve already started on it again. I only reread in full the ones I immensely enjoyed. Then there are those that are so good that I can’t read it again because the magic and the surprise does come from a single read. I do agree with you about tastes changing though, especially if it’s something I read a long time ago. That recently happened to me and it hurt a bit. Some things remained the same but it just wasn’t as good as I remembered it. On the other hand, I have a favorite book that I read nearly every year and I still love it a lot.

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    1. Omg I’m so sorry for not seeing this earlier, this went into spam. 😦 Ooo it’s interesting that you re-read ones you really really loved! May I ask which book you’re referring to? ahh yes the good ol once-is-enough reads lol. I’d love to know which book you remember loving!! Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. 💜💜💜

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      1. itsKoo says:

        No need to apologize! I must be spamming your blog with comments! 🤣🤣🤣 I appreciate your reply! It’s an oldie but goodie, The Green Rider by Kristen Britain. More recently, 2 romances Helena Hunting’s Meet Cute and Jenny Holiday’s It Takes Two have unexpectedly become comfort reads.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Ahh no it’s totally okay, they always make my day! And ooo I’ll definitely keep those books in mind. They seem really good!

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  11. This was a lovely discussion post! I’ve been rereading more this year and your point on re-experiencing the magic has definitely been the case for me (I’ve finished the book loving it even more than before). Just discovered your blog through this great discussion Saniya, loved reading it!💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for sharing and for your kind words! ❤

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